Spartan Upcycle Fridays
Join us each month for a free, hands-on making event. You will explore creative reuse and upcycling by repurposing materials sourced through the MSU Surplus Store & Recycling Center.
Open for drop-in between 2 - 6 p.m. on select Fridays. Located in the Education Center at Surplus & Recycling. (Swing by early and browse through the Surplus Store, open on Fridays until 3:30 p.m.)
Materials are provided and all are welcome. Hosted in collaboration with the MSU Libraries' Hollander Makerspace.
Registration is encouraged.
Clothing Swap & Stitch
Fri. Jan. 27 • 2 - 6 p.m. @ Surplus & Recycling Education Center
Swap and reuse clothing at this free event! Plus, explore how you can give a fresh look to items you don't love anymore. Browse through an assortment of donated clothes and select secondhand, new-to you items. The Surplus Store will donate a bundle of clothing to “sweeten” the swap pile. If you have items to donate, please bring them. All are welcome to participate regardless of if or how many items you donate. Supplies and assistance will be available for mending and upcycling.
Upcycled Valentines
Fri. Feb. 10 • 2 - 6 p.m. @ Surplus & Recycling Education Center
Bring back the good vibes of grade school valentines! Cut up paper and fabric, add some flare and color, and adorn your valentines with reclaimed odds n’ ends like button flowers and keyboard keys to your heart.
Seed Starting w/ Grow Green Vermicompost
Fri. Mar. 24 • 2 - 6 p.m. @ Surplus & Recycling Education Center
Get your hands dirty at this Spartan Upcycle Friday event, featuring Grow Green Vermicompost, an organic plant food made from campus food waste! Explore upcycled gardening hacks, learn what makes for healthy soil, and plant a few seeds of your own in a repurposed container.
Go green and get creative!
Event Notes:
- Events listed above are FREE and geared toward MSU students, however, all are welcome!
- We are committed to providing a safe space for all and equal opportunity for participation. Accommodations for persons with disabilities may be requested by contacting or
- Interested in hosting your own upcycle craft session? Reach out to us with your ideas -- we may be able to provide salvaged supplies or assist with planning.